Traditional psychoanalysis erases, marginalizes, and harms BIPOC.

That’s why we’re launching Coloring Psychoanalysis, a digital space that centers BIPOC voices in psychoanalysis.

This space is for you if…

  • You identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color);

  • You work with BIPOC in mental health or a related field;

  • You’re curious about how psychoanalysis can be useful to BIPOC clients and communities;

  • You want to express your original ideas and experiences but don’t know where to start;

  • You feel like you have to modulate your voice in order to get published in psychoanalysis;

  • You want to see psychoanalysis shift away from a white, western, colonial center.

If this is you, we’d love for you to join our community and subscribe to the first-ever psychoanalytic publication made by and for BIPOC.

Issue #1 is now available!

Issue #1, A Place of Our Own, is a collection of writing, poetry, art, and design that speak as if we’ve arrived home to a place where we feel safe and belong. What inspires you about psychoanalysis as a BIPOC person, clinician, student, and/or teacher? What unique stories do you want to tell about yourself and your work in the psychoanalytic community? What do you yearn to experience but feel has been missing? What perspectives have you witnessed that have not been represented? What possibilities can you envision within such a space? Subscribe to our interest list and click to access the new issue.

Donate to support our work

While Coloring Psychoanalysis will always remain free for all its BIPOC members, we need your help to realize the vision to become a vibrant community space for BIPOC in psychoanalysis. Your donation supports the tremendous labor that went into our launch, as well as provides important seed funding for our sustainability and growth.

If you are an ally, this is also a valued way to show your support!